David | So David is a motivated guy that types good.  He is fun to play Battleship, Shark bite, and other board-games with.  We hike, play Baseball, swim, and every Year we look at Christmas Lights.  David likes the Denver Broncos. 

Lora | Lora enjoys swimming, enjoys cooking, and She loves scary movies.  And gives Seth Emma great gifts we give her back good gifts to 🙂  Lora loves making every holiday and birthday very special.

Seth | Seth loves cooking with his dad and loves video games And my parents give me very very good presents for Christmas. Birthday great and is a whiz with computers, in fact Seth is the one putting together this website. 

Emma | Emma is a great sister to play hide and seek with, in fact she beat me in hide and seek.  Emma loves to dance, sing, tumble, She has a trillion toys, and a heart as big as the moon.

Introducing Cody & Megan | Cody is my dad’s oldest son but has not lived with us most of my life.  He came back to live with us earlier this year.  its great when he plays Brawl halla. Megan is codys girlfriend shes says the cat is hers but its mine she also plays brawl halla